Agil-ISE – Session 2
Chaired by Geert Poels, Palash Bera, Yves Wautelet. Measuring Agile/DevOps team performance.Thoby Visser and Joris Hulstijn.…
Agil-ISE – Session 1
Chaired by Geert Poels, Palash Bera, Yves Wautelet Welcome. Keynote: Maya Daneva. Lessons Learned from 15 Years…
HybridAIMS – Session 3 (World Café & Closing Session)
Chaired by Emanuele Laurenzi. Challenge presentation, group formation, group work and pitching session and final discussion.
HybridAIMS – Session 2 (Full Papers)
Chaired by Giancarlo Guizzardi. Mapping Time-Series Data on Process Patterns to Generate Synthetic Data.Frederik Fonger,…
HybridAIMS – Industry Keynote and Session 1 (Position Papers)
Chaired by Hans-Friederich Witschel (online). Industry Keynote: Evgeny Kharmalov. Neuro-Symbolic AI for Industry 4.0. Supporting…